Wednesday, May 30, 2007

有野say “Hi”,無野即 “ignore”,對於平均每平方有6,380人嘅香港嚟講,起碼有6,000人係有以上情況,至於果380人應該係嬰兒或者新移民~ (reference by 我)

簡單嚟講即係… 您身邊每63個朋友,就至少有60個有以上怪行,ofcoz~ 甚至多於60個(suck!)~ 亦即係每21個朋友就會有20個「有野say “Hi”,無野即 “ignore”」嘅朋友~

呢條友用咁嘅態度對您,好自然您亦會以牙還牙用番「有野say “Hi”,無野即 “ignore”」嘅態度回敬番佢~ 亦即係話您會成為佢20位朋友內其中嘅一位「有野say “Hi”,無野即 “ignore”」嘅朋友~ suck x 2!!

「Y理」?! 咁大家就唔好用咁「Y」嘅態度對待身邊稱得上「朋友」兩字嘅人~ 「有野say “Hi”,無野即 “ignore”」! suck x 3!!!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Where is my ITEM gone!?
I still waiting the Item that I ordered in last year (Aug 2006)
order ref: RC835297
Sean Herman & Crave special whore and sketchbook
p.s I don't care that $30USD International Shipping fee, just send it over to the following U.S address:xxx
apologise, my staff tells me they were trying to call you or something and never heard back, dont worry - we will make it right and include free stickers and a free movie for ya! sorry man - this has never happened before? you can always call the shop - Matt Heft, John Lloyd and Matt Dunlap can get you handled 12 hours a day 7 days a week! 770 435 9966 (All or Nothing)
thanks for ordering, please keep doing so!
xo – BB
又再次追數~ 呢壇爛帳又有新進展,前後嘅廢話就不值一題,最重要係中間幾粒字… 呢次出到 "free stickers" 同 "free movie "… 做得好! 此舉無錯好應效,心中怒火亦就此消遣,至於 "please keep doing so!"?! NAIVE~

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

嘩~ 啱啱單拖走去食lunch,突然有種「中硬六合彩」嘅感覺~

其實無咩特別,都係一d 好common嘅野,無乜野~ 人生總會遇到,依加心情仲未平靜落黎,一定要買~買~買~!!! 點解咁有靈感?! 塵世間有咩情景係可以比美「中六合彩」?!

無錯~ 啱啱剛剛就係幾分鍾前,係球場「橋」住腳,欣賞「奇英」們打波之際,「中」咗一篤大雀屎!!! 係好大好大好篤! 仲要係「頭獎」!大嘅程度係滴咗落個頭,再溶化成第二篤直滴落大肶~ 又可以咁啱無紙巾,為有「嚟」手扯斷塊樹葉,一抺之下發現仲大篤~ 頂~ 立即起蹄急步走番公司,一路走個「篤」野就不斷「甚」入髮絲,雖然話買咗包紙巾,但都係有種直達頭皮嘅感覺!!!

番到公司大堂又鬼死咁多人,個幾秒電梯過程,真難捱~ 去到厠所即刻將右邊成個頭大洗一頓,再將右邊大肶範圍大洗一頓,啱啱入黎如厠嘅人仲似為有人係到沖涼~

最後結論係~ 點解士多可以無濕紙巾買?! 同埋d「死」雀到底係食d乜?! 重複… 係好大好大好篤!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

「心亂如麻‧心事難下」,廿幾歲仔,麻乜Q… 下乜Q… ?! 又唔係青春期,更未到更年期~

好多野係避無可避,好似發燒咁,人生必經,問題在於有無一個愛護您嘅人係旁邊,定一話係單拖咁去面對… 相比之下,肯定後者會學/得到更多,有誰共鳴~ 

Friday, May 11, 2007

It isn’t easy to handle the prostitution issue:moral-ism, hypocrisy and clashing systemsof ethics continue to make any form of dialoguedifficult, even today. The same arguments are stillused in every discussion, despite the great socialevolution of the last century. Both the blameon the phenomenon, as well as the labelof the victims, remain unchanged.
With so much hypocrisy, institutions often decideto fight the immoral behavior they seein prostitution, and not the real criminals.The weakness of the tools adopted bygovernments to solve the problem is evident:a high number of arrested prostitutes,but how many clients and exploiters are eitherarrested or expelled?
Only by recognizing prostitution as a selfdetermined choice of those who practiceit and those who use it, respecting it as it is withoutuseless prohibition attempts, we can makethe difference in terms of rights, safety and publichealth. Only in this way it is possible to fightagainst the slavery of women, with the consequentbreak up and trial of the criminal networkexploiting it, instead of the current situation wherethose who practice the profession at their own riskare most exposed to legal repression, rather thanthose who gain from it sitting at home.

五顏六色配上兩隻不同風格嘅眼睛,再加上雜亂線條作背景,就係呢張Poster 嘅精髓。
上面隻眼係一個普通人嘅眼睛,而底部果個係一隻感染咗"HIV"嘅眼睛,用眼呢樣人類器官加埋後面代表複雜人類思維嘅線條黎帶出一句message「Do NOT look down on HIV」!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

呢排聽/睇咗好多關於哲學嘅野,係”聽/睇”而併唔係探討… 後記係~ 仍然係處於一頭霧水嘅狀態,好大原因在於吹「哲學」嘅吹者身上。

個D半桶水嘅戌利不斷&盡情地吹誤哲、主體、解構、執爽、朦朧、矛盾、撥撒、荒謬同埋一大堆乜乜主義… 本來都覺得可能係自己敝鄉,理解唔到過中玄機… 直至睇到以下對邊緣音樂嘅解釋後,發覺「戌利」+ 「複雜」= 「幾日來嘅哲學」~

內容如下,睇得明其實可以成為一名嬰兒翻譯家~ 失常!
「食邊緣(其他)音樂來反母體,佢食母體...大了..傘係多人做了...佢又會自己破壞目己.. 解構主義 佢無型無聲的..改變成個文化...有D像POST ROCK ,咩叫POST ROCK POST ROCK係反ROCK去ROCK的中心... 去左ROCK的中心..叫咩..叫ROCK的邊緣,在ROCK的邊緣中遊戲 唔係ROCK的野都叫ROCK的邊緣,ROCK本成就係成個INDIE的中心...所以同時都反INDIE ROCK..................下刪百字」

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Monmonbaby(姖個仔叫嘅新朵)明朝又要帶同姖個仔&佬公起程回巢,同時自己亦親身感受到「國泰」電視廣告內男主角(細佬)個份喜極而泣嘅畫面… =- )

To My Bedroom,

I'm back!

Cheers =)