It isn’t easy to handle the prostitution issue:moral-ism, hypocrisy and clashing systemsof ethics continue to make any form of dialoguedifficult, even today. The same arguments are stillused in every discussion, despite the great socialevolution of the last century. Both the blameon the phenomenon, as well as the labelof the victims, remain unchanged.
With so much hypocrisy, institutions often decideto fight the immoral behavior they seein prostitution, and not the real criminals.The weakness of the tools adopted bygovernments to solve the problem is evident:a high number of arrested prostitutes,but how many clients and exploiters are eitherarrested or expelled?
Only by recognizing prostitution as a selfdetermined choice of those who practiceit and those who use it, respecting it as it is withoutuseless prohibition attempts, we can makethe difference in terms of rights, safety and publichealth. Only in this way it is possible to fightagainst the slavery of women, with the consequentbreak up and trial of the criminal networkexploiting it, instead of the current situation wherethose who practice the profession at their own riskare most exposed to legal repression, rather thanthose who gain from it sitting at home.
五顏六色配上兩隻不同風格嘅眼睛,再加上雜亂線條作背景,就係呢張Poster 嘅精髓。
上面隻眼係一個普通人嘅眼睛,而底部果個係一隻感染咗"HIV"嘅眼睛,用眼呢樣人類器官加埋後面代表複雜人類思維嘅線條黎帶出一句message「Do NOT look down on HIV」!
It isn’t easy to handle the prostitution issue:moral-ism, hypocrisy and clashing systemsof ethics continue to make any form of dialoguedifficult, even today. The same arguments are stillused in every discussion, despite the great socialevolution of the last century. Both the blameon the phenomenon, as well as the labelof the victims, remain unchanged.
With so much hypocrisy, institutions often decideto fight the immoral behavior they seein prostitution, and not the real criminals.The weakness of the tools adopted bygovernments to solve the problem is evident:a high number of arrested prostitutes,but how many clients and exploiters are eitherarrested or expelled?
Only by recognizing prostitution as a selfdetermined choice of those who practiceit and those who use it, respecting it as it is withoutuseless prohibition attempts, we can makethe difference in terms of rights, safety and publichealth. Only in this way it is possible to fightagainst the slavery of women, with the consequentbreak up and trial of the criminal networkexploiting it, instead of the current situation wherethose who practice the profession at their own riskare most exposed to legal repression, rather thanthose who gain from it sitting at home.
五顏六色配上兩隻不同風格嘅眼睛,再加上雜亂線條作背景,就係呢張Poster 嘅精髓。
上面隻眼係一個普通人嘅眼睛,而底部果個係一隻感染咗"HIV"嘅眼睛,用眼呢樣人類器官加埋後面代表複雜人類思維嘅線條黎帶出一句message「Do NOT look down on HIV」!
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